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A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.

for questions about whether a topic is on-topic for this site or not. Use this to discuss the scope of the site in general rather than the on-topicness of a specific question. If you do ci…
38 questions
16 questions
15 questions
11 questions
10 questions
For questions about how the site can be promoted to new viewers and potential users. Use this tag for any questions about how to share the site, where to share it, or anything related to this.
7 questions
4 questions
4 questions
Discussions and meta-questions related to the (bi-weekly) topic challenges on the site.
4 questions
3 questions
3 questions
3 questions
3 questions
3 questions
3 questions
2 questions
Indicates that the reported behavior is intentional and not subject to change
2 questions
2 questions
For questions discussing the options in the flag/vote to close dialogue, or suggesting new reasons that could be added to the 'off-topic' close reasons.
2 questions
2 questions
2 questions
1 question
1 question
1 question
For questions regarding changes, clarifications or problems with the Help Center (/help). Note that moderators cannot change all the text in the Help Center, and requests for substantial change to the…
1 question
1 question
Indicates that the site developers were not able to replicate the behavior reported.
1 question
1 question
1 question
1 question
1 question
1 question
0 questions