Tag Wikis
The structure is a merge from good ideas over at ELU and has been quite well received. In my opinion the tag wiki should provide answers to four questions:
- What is this tag about?
- Is my question complete?
- What are good example questions?
- I'm wrong here, what other tag do I use?
Those questions are answered by the introductory paragraph and the three lists. In my opinion three defining checks, three examples and three alternative tags should be enough.
WYSIWYG Tag Wiki Blueprint Suggestion
Use this tag for questions that are about the security of IoT devices (especially those connected directly to the internet) and how to mitigate these issues or avoid them altogether.
The Internet of Things involves objects and entities collectively known as Things. These Things have unique identifiers and the ability to automatically transfer data over a network. As access to Things is over the Internet, security is crucial.
Consider the question check list if your question fits the tag. You can also look at the example questions. If this tag doesn't fit your question have a look below at somehow related tags that might fit your question better.
Question checklist
- Is the question about the security of IoT devices, setups or networks?
- Is the question NOT about safety? (If it burns it's about safety, if it's hacked then it's security.)
- Does the question describe clearly what the issue is?
Example questions
Not what you are looking for?
- Use networking for questions about setting up and configuring networks for your IoT devices in general.
- Use safety for questions about the operational safety of devices.
- Consider asking on the Information Security.SE if your question has no IoT connection.
Copy-paste blueprint
Copy everything between after the horizontal line, fill out the description, adapt the check list and the example questions and pick other tags (max 4). Done. Of course, writing more tag specific differentiating tag alternatives is always welcome.
Yeah I know this looks hideous, but no one has to edit this to copy it.
Use this tag for questions that are about INSERT SHORT DESCRIPTION.
Consider the question check list if your question fits the tag. You can also look at the example questions. If this tag doesn't fit your question have a look below at somehow related tags that might fit your question better.
**Question checklist**
- Is the question about the security of IoT devices, setups or networks?
- Is the question **NOT** about safety? (If it burns it's about safety, if it's hacked then it's security.)
- Does the question describe clearly what the issue is?
**Example questions**
- https://iot.stackexchange.com/questions/211
- https://iot.stackexchange.com/questions/90
- https://iot.stackexchange.com/questions/18
**Not what you are looking for?**
- Use [tag:networking] for questions about setting up and configuring networks for your IoT devices in general.
- Use the product's tag, if it exists, e.g. [tag:amazon-echo].
- Is your question about **any** publish/subscribe protocol? If so, use [tag:publish-subscriber].
- For technical problems with a Raspberry Pi, consider asking at [Raspberry Pi Stack Exchange](http://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/).
- Use [tag:protocol] for questions where you don't know or are looking for a protocol.
- Use [tag:smart-home] for questions about configuring and interfacing smart home devices in general.
- Use [tag:standards] for questions about the ***content*** of standards.
- Use [tag:safety] for questions about the operational safety of devices.
- Consider asking on the [Information Security.SE][1] if your question has no IoT connection.
- For questions about electronics, consider asking at [Electrical Engineering](http://electronics.stackexchange.com/) Stack Exchange.
- Use [tag:wireless] for questions about **any** wireless protocol.
- Use [tag:wifi-halow] for the low power, high range 802.11ah protocol.